Category: Uncategorized
Power Up – Chapter 1
by Craig Anderson | Jun 16, 2023 | Uncategorized | 0 |
Dr. Jasmine Bashir stared at the computer screen, her brow furrowed in concentration. She was...
Read MoreOne Day
by Craig Anderson | Aug 30, 2020 | Flash Fiction, Uncategorized | 0 |
Image Caption: Fantasia in Morocco. CC photo by Maxim Massalitin For this week’s...
Read MoreThe Bag
by Craig Anderson | Aug 23, 2020 | Flash Fiction, Uncategorized | 0 |
Flash! Friday’s is back! For those that don’t remember (because it has been a while) FF is a weekly flash fiction competition where they post a photo prompt, a word limit and an element you have to include. A bunch...
Read MoreFlash Fridays – July 24th
by Craig Anderson | Jul 24, 2015 | Flash Fiction, Uncategorized | 0 |
This weeks Flash! Friday was based off the story collection The Arabian Nights. I only loosely...
Read MoreFlash Fridays – July 17th
by Craig Anderson | Jul 17, 2015 | Flash Fiction, Uncategorized | 0 |
This weeks Flash!Friday is based on the classic novel 1984. The themes I chose to incorporate in my story were a character that’s a historian and the conflict of man vs society (government). Here is the optional picture...
Read MoreFlash Fridays – July 10th
by Craig Anderson | Jul 10, 2015 | Flash Fiction, Uncategorized | 0 |
This weeks Flash! Friday was based around the elements from Charlie and the chocolate factory. The ones I chose to incorporate into my story were conflict (man vs man) and theme (you reap what you sow). I didn’t really...
Read MoreFlash Fridays – July 3rd
by Craig Anderson | Jul 3, 2015 | Flash Fiction, Uncategorized | 0 |
Flash! Fridays has an all new setup from this week onwards. Now, in addition to the (optional) photo prompt, we are given several elements of a famous novel to act as inspiration and we select two to incorporate. This week was...
Read MoreFlash Fridays – June 26th
by Craig Anderson | Jun 26, 2015 | Flash Fiction, Uncategorized | 0 |
For this weeks Flash! Friday we had to incorporate the character of a writer into a story about the following prompt: Buster Crabbe as Flash Gordon. Studio promotional still photo 1936, public domain. Writers Block Another dead...
Read MoreWarmup Wednesday – June 24th
by Craig Anderson | Jun 24, 2015 | Flash Fiction, Uncategorized | 0 |
For this weeks Warmup Wednesday we had to incorporate a lifelong goal that wasn’t the Olympics into a story about the following prompt: Olympic Games, 1896; the athlete Herman Weingartner, horizontal bar champion. Public...
Read MoreFlash Fridays – June 19th
by Craig Anderson | Jun 19, 2015 | Flash Fiction, Uncategorized | 0 |
For this weeks Flash! Friday we had to incorporate the theme of Deja Vu into a story about the following prompt: Train wreck at Montparnasse, 1895. Public domain photo. Derailed I’ve watched this scene a hundred times. I’m...
Read MoreWarmup Wednesdays – June 17th
by Craig Anderson | Jun 17, 2015 | Flash Fiction, Uncategorized | 0 |
For this weeks Warmup Wednesday we had to include a birthday or the anniversary of a death into a story about the following prompt: Taj Mahal. CC2.0 photo by Roehan Rengadurai. The Dawn His eyes light up as the sun rises over...
Read MoreFlash Fridays – June 12th
by Craig Anderson | Jun 12, 2015 | Flash Fiction, Uncategorized | 0 |
For this weeks Flash! Friday we had to incorporate a theatre into a story about the following prompt: Louis Dodier as a prisoner, 1847. Public domain daguerrotype photo by Louis Adolphe Humbert de Molard; courtesy Google Art...
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