For this weeks Flash! Friday we had to incorporate a thunder storm into a story about the following prompt. Full credit to my awesome wife for the very appropriate title! 🙂
Vardezia, Georgia. CCÂ photo by Ben van der Ploeg.
A Stab in the Dark
I squint into darkness. There’s no time to wait for the next flash of lightning, I have to move. I edge forward quietly, using the wall to guide me, feeling the cool damp stone beneath my fingers. My other hand grasps tightly to my last sliver of hope. A drop of water lands on my arm and my heart races. Adrenalin surges, heightening my senses.
It’s getting closer. If I hold my breath I can still hear breathing, a shallow panting that stops momentarily to sniff the air. It has my scent, it’s only a matter of time. These caves will be my tomb, of that I’m sure, but I don’t intend to rest here alone. I turn to face my hunter, staring at the empty nothingness and wondering if I am already dead. Then there is a sudden flash. It’s caught off guard, hunched over, ready to pounce. I charge into darkness, hoping my knife finds flesh not stone.