For this weeks Flash! Friday we had to incorporate the theme of Arrogance into a story about the following prompt:
“New crowns for old ones!” –Benjamin Disraeli presents Queen Victoria the crown of India. Punch, 1876, by cartoonist John Tenniel.
Crowning around
The Indian ambassador stared at the figure in front of him, masking his disdain. She thinks she’s so bloody important. What good is a Queen anyway? She has no marketable skills, apart from sipping tea with a stiff upper lip. He prepared to exchange her jewel encrusted crown for the one he’d specially prepared. The only thing special about it was the paint. Her royal highness was only going to chuck it in a tower, so why waste gold? He smiled his best smile as the trade look place. She’s not so smart after all.
Victoria stared at the ambassador and immediately knew he was untrustworthy. One didn’t last long as a royal without being able to spot the bad apples. No doubt he would be ripping her off. She proceeded anyway, because he wasn’t giving away a crown, he was giving away a country. Plus hers was a fake too, because one doesn’t get rich by giving it away!