For this weeks Flash!Friday we had to incorporate a nemesis into a story about the following prompt. As a bonus challenge we weren’t able to use the word chess. UPDATE: For those that are wondering, the photo prompt changed as apparently there was a copyright issue with the previous image:
Georgian writers Ilia Chavchavadze and Ivane Machabeli playing chess, 1873 St Petersburg
A lonely Knight on the battlefield
Nobody understands me. You’d think I would be the coolest kid on the board, I’m a rocking badass Knight for goodness sake, but nope, no-one gets me. They say that I don’t move right, like there’s anything wrong with two steps forward, one step left. I can jump over people, why don’t I ever get any credit for that?
Just because that bastard castle can go in a straight line as far as he bloody well pleases. How does a castle even move? He’s always ganging up on me with that holy bloke in the funny hat. Don’t even get me started on the Queen! She seems to be able to go wherever she likes. The King doesn’t even try to keep up with her anymore.
Everyone says the pawns have the worst deal, but all they have to do is plod across town without dying and they get bleeding coronated! Life on the battlefield is just not fair.