For this weeks Flash!Friday we had to include bankruptcy in a story about the following prompt, which I sort of forgot to do – oops!:
Mr. Hydrick, county supervisor, and Mr. Melody Tillery examining mouth and teeth of his mare, which has mule colt. Pike County, near Tray, Alabama. Public domain photo by Marion Post Walcott.
A Hard Bargain
Hydrick casually strolled around the colt, “He’s a fine looking horse. I’ll give you $500 for him.”
“$500? Is that a joke? I’m worth ten times that!”
Melody coughed loudly as Hydrick exclaimed, “I beg your pardon?”
“Nothing sir, must have been the wind.” Melody kicked Charlie in the shin, achieving the exact opposite of the desired outcome, “Really? You want to start a kicking contest with me?”
“What ever is wrong with your voice, you sound terrible!”
“A little hoarse perhaps?”
Melody tried pinching Charlie’s mouth shut, but Hydrick walked around to see him wrestling with Charlie’s lips. He stared at them both curiously, “Whatever are you doing?”
“I wanted to show you his lovely teeth.”
“Yes very nice, but I’m more concerned with the other end. I need a new stud horse. I have a field full of mares that need impregnating. It’s a shame I can’t afford him.”
“What? Why didn’t you say so! Let’s call it $250.”
Very witty! I had a good chuckle 🙂 Diana.
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