For this weeks Flash! Friday we had to incorporate a Politician into a story about the following prompt:
Local fisherman, Yugoslavia. CC photo by GothPhil.
Don’t rock the boat
The waves lapped gently against the hull of the fishing boat as the two men lazily wiled away their Sunday afternoon. The sun was warm and the beer was cold. All was going swimmingly, until Phil went and ruined it. He turned to Bob and said, “Is my wife getting fat?”
Bob found himself mentally picturing Phil’s wife. He had to use a lot of his imagination to squeeze all of her in. There was an awkward pause while he crafted a suitable response, “Your wife isn’t getting fat, she’s simply having a horizontal growth spurt.”
Phil mulled that over, “Oh ok. Does that mean she’s fat though?”
“Fat is relative. Fat compared to what? Compared to a grizzly bear your wife’s skinny as a rake.”
“That still sounds pretty fat.”
“Trust me, no-one would ever call your wife fat.”
“They wouldn’t?”
Bob gave up, “Hell no, they’d be way too scared of her to say anything!”