Flash! Friday’s is back! For those that don’t remember (because it has been a while) FF is a weekly flash fiction competition where they post a photo prompt, a word limit and an element you have to include. A bunch of super awesome writers then post their stories as comments, so not only do you get to write fun stories, you get to read everyone else’s too! It really is an absolute blast, and I was thrilled when I heard FF was coming back. You can go check it out here.
For this week, we had to write a 75 word story that included a freedom fighter or a droid, about the following prompt:

Here was my take:
The Bag
The old man squints. “Who are you?”
“I’m Rob.”
“How old are you?”
“I’m sixteen.” I’m not, but I look older.
He sighs. “I suppose you’re the closest thing left to a soldier. Here.”
The bag is iridescent. I try not to stare.
He snaps at me. “Focus boy. This isn’t a game. If the machines get hold of that, we’re doomed.”
“Understood. I’ll die to protect it.”
Because that’s what I’m programmed to do.