The Lucky Beggar trilogy started out as a short story. That was 80k words and three novellas ago. What started as a fun distraction from editing a full length novel quickly morphed into a world that I enjoyed spending time in. I never intended to write a trilogy, or a series. Getting Lucky ends somewhat abruptly because at the time I had no idea what else to write! I was quite content to leave my homeless hero and his lovable Otterhound to their own devices, but three years after that initial launch a thought nagged at the back of my head. What happened next? Lucky Shot was released a few months later.
That was over a year ago. When it came to Lucky Break I knew exactly what was going to happen, I’d already come up with the ending while writing Lucky Shot, so it was a much quicker process, only two months from writing the first word to hitting publish. That’s a PB for me, a guy who is still tweaking a novel I started 8 years ago. Just to go full circle, I didn’t intend to write Lucky Break when I did, I actually just needed to take a break from editing Trojan, and I accidentally wrote a 30k novella instead.
I’ve been inspired lately to take my writing more seriously. It’s always been a hobby, a bit of fun, but as I’ve listened to awesome podcasts like the Bestseller Experiment and the guys over at SPP I have come to realize that this is something I can run as a side hustle. It’s been a lot of fun thinking of this as a business, complete with marketing plans, budgets and ‘products’. I’m still learning an awful lot about what it means to be an Indie author, but the good news is I’m having a blast!
So here we are at the end of a story. It’s been a long time coming, but in aggregate I finally release my first ‘novel’. My plan is to make it the first of many!
Lucky Break is releasing Friday April 7th on Kindle and Kobo.

I’ve had the pleasure of reading this book in the draft stage. It is awesome! Definitely worth the read. Enjoy:)