So they are trying something new over at Flash! Friday, a 100 word warmup for Friday with no judging – purely for the LOLs. Everyone is also adding a bit about their day and engaging in some quite lovely chit chat – you should pop over and check it out!
This week we had to include a superhero in a story about the following prompt:
Thor. CC2.0 photo by Parkour Foundation.
Buzz off
I hate that spider man. He get’s all the press and the girls, but no-one ever talks about how he’s always stalking me, doing his best to string me up and eat me. Even now all the kids are pointing up at the building and taking his photo. They think he’s climbing up here to help a damsel in distress, but he’s not, it’s because he found out this is where I’ve been hiding. I’m not hurting anyone, all I’ve ever asked for is a big pile of warm dung to call my own. It’s not easy being Fly Guy!